Layout testpage
This page contains markdown constructs as a test to see how they get rendered to html. It's the visual last test to see if I have gotten the css stuff right. The page will be updated each time a css change is made so it can be checked without having to hunt for content which uses a special construct.
And this is the paragraph that follows it, which should obviously have a little bit of text to see the lines wrap to the next line. This paragraph will be repeated everywhere we want to have a block of text. We could write actual content but we haven't got anything to say really.
Header 1
And this is the paragraph that follows it, which should obviously have a little bit of text to see the lines wrap to the next line. This paragraph will be repeated everywhere we want to have a block of text. We could write actual content but we haven't got anything to say really.
Header 2
And this is the paragraph that follows it, which should obviously have a little bit of text to see the lines wrap to the next line. This paragraph will be repeated everywhere we want to have a block of text. We could write actual content but we haven't got anything to say really.
Header 3
And this is the paragraph that follows it, which should obviously have a little bit of text to see the lines wrap to the next line. This paragraph will be repeated everywhere we want to have a block of text. We could write actual content but we haven't got anything to say really.
Header 4
And this is the paragraph that follows it, which should obviously have a little bit of text to see the lines wrap to the next line. This paragraph will be repeated everywhere we want to have a block of text. We could write actual content but we haven't got anything to say really.
Header 5
And this is the paragraph that follows it, which should obviously have a little bit of text to see the lines wrap to the next line. This paragraph will be repeated everywhere we want to have a block of text. We could write actual content but we haven't got anything to say really.
Header 6
And this is the paragraph that follows it, which should obviously have a little bit of text to see the lines wrap to the next line. This paragraph will be repeated everywhere we want to have a block of text. We could write actual content but we haven't got anything to say really.
Block quotes
This is a blockquote with two paragraphs. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus. Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus.
Donec sit amet nisl. Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit. Suspendisse id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing.
Pull quotes
{% pullquote %} Surround your paragraph with the pull quote tags. {" Then when you come to the text you want to pull, surround it like this "} and that's all there is to it. {% endpullquote %}
The lists belows have a '*', '+', '-' and 'numbers' respectively:
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Red
- Green
- Blue
Code blocks
Code blocks are just normal paragraphs, but indented with at least 4 spaces
And this is the paragraph that follows it, which should obviously have
a little bit of text to see the lines wrap to the next line. This
paragraph will be repeated everywhere we want to have a block of
text. We could write actual content but we haven't got anything to
say really.
Higlighting code
Higlighting of code is supported, this requires python pygments and a syntax highlighting stylesheet. (/css/syntax.css is ours)
{% highlight ruby %} def foo puts 'foo' end {% endhighlight %}
Line numbers can also be used with this, although this is implemented somewhat simplistically, because selection of the code will not leave out the linenumbers.
{% highlight ruby linenos %} def foo puts 'foo' end {% endhighlight %}
Other code related embedding is for githubs gist facility
{% gist 5555251 %}
No less than 5 different syntaxes for producing horizontal rules, which all produce the same output.
This link has no title attribute.
This is an example inline link.
See my About page for details.
This is an example reference-style link.
Google - quicklick used by defining it with key between square brackets.
single asterisks
single underscores
double asterisks
double underscores
Use the printf()
function. (backticks used)
There is a literal backtick (`) here. Use two backticks for the enclosing text.